Saturday, June 02, 2007

Farewell to Bradley Campus

Graduation reception on Friday, 18th May.

Bye to the Bradley University campus!!!!

Me and my friend Marketa are testing Bradley food.

Hanka Syslova came one year after me to enjoy :) the MBA program.

My dad Jiri is wearing "Proud dad" Bradley T-shirt. Well, I guess he really does not care that much what T-shirt is he wearing :)

We met with some of my classmates and professors. But most of the people on this farewell party were undergraduate students.

My mom and dad are stunned by what is going on :) around them.

Miss Bradley is the founder of B. University. She was a progressive woman for her times.

Our czech student/parent group is involved in a deep discussion.

Honzik, me, mominka, dadinek, Marketa and Hana.

Due to the sun conditions, Miss Bradley turned around and showed us her back :)

But we were faster.

Bradley plan.

Bradley Hall is the main building of the campus.

Gurgoyle (chrlic)

Building for Performing Arts students.

Bradley library

Unfortunately I do not know what this building is :( But what I know is that often, there were christian concerts in front of it.

Administrative building.

Mominka and me.

Bradley campus is pretty quiet. Fortunatelly.

Bradley bookstore.

Multicultural centre. This is were they take care of your student visa stuff.

Fraternities around the campus. I am saying: Stay away :)


Here used to be my home the first year at Bradley. It was not that bad :)

The entrance to the Bradley campus.

Our favorite place to shop: Campus town and Dollar tree: Treets for homeless, poor people and students :)

One World Cafe.


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